A Simple Strategy To Find a List of Theaters For Your Show

Aug 31, 2022

 Successful marketing is about finding the right audience for your product.  Which in our case is a play or a musical.

Because if we can find people who like what our type of show, then the odds go up that they’ll take it!  And that means, less work, less expense, and your show on stage faster. 

But how do you know which theaters to send your show to?  Because it would cost a fortune, and it would take too much work, to send your play or musical to every theater.

Here’s a strategy I use that has saved me sooooo much in postage, and increased the number of theaters who wanted my show.

Step #1:

Identify 1-3 shows that are similar to yours.  For example, when I was marketing Altar Boyz, a five person musical comedy about a boy band that sang songs like “Girl You Make Me Wanna Wait,” I compared it to Forever Plaid and Nunsense.

Step #2:

Find a list of theaters who have produced THOSE shows in the last 5 years.  

Need help finding those theaters?  Here’s a hack!  Find out what company licenses the show (MTI, Concord, Etc.), and visit the show page on the licensing company’s website.  Usually, they will list where the shows have been!  And all you have to do is copy and paste!

Step #3:

Market to those theaters!  And yes, without a doubt, include a sentence like, “Because I know you produced Forever Plaid, I thought you’d be interested in my show, TITLE OF SHOW, because it also . . . “

This trick will increase the odds you get produced and save you time and money in the process.

Give it a try!




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